Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Career test

I made such type of tests also before but every time the results vary a bit.
The most surprising part - artistic orientation, also social orientation was developed lately. :)

Career test results

The test has determined 3 career suitability types, along with the corresponding scores. Taken as a whole, they characterize your career orientation.


Score: 51

(artistic) career orientation

Typical personality traits: unique, original, interesting, sensitive, expressive, creative, imaginative, independent, open, complicated sense of the world, expects approval and recognition.

Activities: Artistic types like to express their individuality in different materials and forms, like words, sounds, acting, dancing and painting. They need freedom of action and movement in time and space in order to sense the world.

This type of people tend to take a jump into the unknown and explore new artistic means. They are able to adapt in new situations. Artistic types often dislike activities that are orderly, systematic or bureaucratic.

Typical fields of work: painting, directing, graphics, sculpture, applied arts (ceramics, glass, etc.), architecture, design, music (incl. church music, popular music, folk music), acting, dancing.

Spare time activities: reading, drawing, sketching, painting, participating in art events, attending concerts and plays, musical activities.


Score: 46

(social) career orientation

Typical personality traits: humanist and friendly, patient, tactful, understanding, kind, helpful, cooperative, supportive.

Activities: Social types prefer activities that include socialising and communicating with people. They enjoy satisfying their curiosity and increasing intercultural communication skills, learning new languages and discovering the world. They are less suited for activities requiring physical and manual skills and tend to focus on emotions rather than logical reasoning. Examples of activities suited for social types are helping, serving, teaching, healing, counselling, educating.

Typical fields of work: special needs education, primary schooling, teaching different subjects in compulsory and secondary education, social work, psychological counselling.

Spare time activities: voluntary (social) work, social activities, making friends, family events, performing, dancing.


Score: 41

(intellectual) career orientation

Typical personality traits: intellectual, curious, logical, critical, fighting for truth and fairness, independent, analytical, scientific, explorative

Activities: Intellectual types like to get to know material, social or spiritual world. They are interested in gathering and analysing information, finding solutions to problems. They value education and are oriented to achieving results.

Intellectual types constantly strive for increasing their understanding about the world. They could be interested in a scientific discipline or some other field requiring higher level of knowledge.

However they tend to dislike activities that are overly social or repetitive.

Typical fields of work: anthropology, astronomy, biochemistry, biophysics, philology, philosophy, physics, genetics, informatics, mathematics, medicine, psychology, sociology, theology.

Spare time activities: reading, physical work, sport, hiking.


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Dienas gaišākā doma

Iekarot sevi pašu ir lielāka uzvara nekā uzvarēt tūkstošus cīņā. /Buda./
Ja tu zinātu, cik spēkpilnas ir tavas domas, tu nekad nedomātu neko sliktu. /Piligrims./

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

First ECTS

Hurray! The first course finished, first ECTS obtained. It was harsh but useful.

Dienas gaišākā doma

Kad tu atrodi mieru sevī, tu kļūsti par personu, kura var dzīvot mierā ar citiem. /Piligrims./

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Dienas gaišākā doma

Katru dienu izdari ko tādu, kas dara tevi laimīgu, līdz tas kļūst par ieradumu.
Do every day something that makes you happy until it becomes a habit. (c)

Friday, April 17, 2009

Dienas gaišākā doma

Labāk ir aizdegt vienu mazu svecīti nekā lamāt tumsu!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Dienas gaišākā doma

Ja mēs spējam mīlēt, arī mūs spēs mīlēt. Tas ir tikai laika jautājums.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Dažreiz tu uzcel sienu ne tādēļ, lai nelaistu nevienu iekšā, bet gan tādēļ, lai redzētu, kurš vēlas šo sienu apgāzt.

Bet ja nu nevēlas...?

Габриэль Гарсиа Маркес "Сто лет одиночества"

Зимними вечерами, пока в камине закипал котелок с супом, старик тосковал о тепле своей комнатушки за книжной лавкой, о солнце, которое звенит в пыльной листве миндальных деревьев, о паровозном свистке, врывающемся в спячку сиесты, так же как в Макондо тосковал о кипящем в камине котелке с супом, выкриках уличного торговца кофейными зернами и о мимолетных жаворонках весны. Замученный этими двумя ностальгиями, которые отражались одна в другой, как два стоящих одно против другого зеркала, он утратил свое восхитительное чувство нереального и дошел до того, что посоветовал друзьям уехать из Макондо, забыть все, чему он их учил о мире и человеческом сердце, плюнуть на Горация и в любом месте, куда бы они ни попали, всегда помнить, что прошлое – ложь, что для памяти нет дорог обратно, что каждая миновавшая весна невозвратима и что самая безумная и стойкая любовь всего лишь скоропреходящее чувство.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Dienas gaišākā doma...

Baumas par meklējamo "ābola otru pusīti", šķiet, būs palaiduši tie jēpīši, kuri daļu no sevis paši nopūdējuši...
It seems that the gossips about "the other half of the apple" appeared from the freaks that let rot the part of themselves...