Sunday, February 8, 2009

Why Netherlands?

It started about a year ago when I was checking international companies employing Chemical Engineers. Some big companies were based in the Netherlands. I thought why not to try to go to the Netherlands and not to get to know this country and try to work in one of this companies because the level would be definitely higher than in Latvia. So I had to get to the Netherlands and the university who wanted to accept me for my Erasmus year was TU/e. I was almost sure I am going even before applying. I had a lot of time to prepare, to meet Dutch people and to know some language. First thing I learned will help me a lot in my further life: neuken in de keuken is what every Dutch person does. ;)
So if I would have to answer the question why Netherlands, it would be the good level of Chemical Engineering, cooperative and nice people and studies can be hold in English. Very simple.

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