Thursday, November 19, 2009

Dienas gaišākā doma

Mēs satiekam savu likteni uz ceļa, kuru izvēlamies, lai no tā aizbēgtu.
Me meet our destiny on the way we choose to escape it.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Dienas gaišākā doma

Mīlestība ir vislabākā kosmētika, bet kosmētiku nopirkt ir vieglāk. /Īvs Sen-Lorāns./
Love is the best cosmetics but it is much easier to buy cosmetics. /Yves Saint-Laurent./

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Dienas gaišākā doma

Gadā ir tikai divas dienas, kurās mēs neko nevaram iesākt. Viena ir vakardiena un otra – rītdiena. Tādējādi šodien ir īstā diena, lai mīlētu, ticētu, darītu un – galvenokārt – dzīvotu!
There are only two days in a year when we cannot do anthing - yesterday and tomorrow. So today is the right day to love, believe, do and - the most important - to live!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

V. Protasov, "Organon"

о б ъ я в л е н и е 1

требуется а н г е л на полставки:


не сходя с ума

творить добро

с оглядкой


на заранее подстеленную


о б ъ я в л е н и е 2



в хорошем состоянии

с ошейником красивым

мёртвой хваткой –

на первую бродячую дворнягу

с бездомной нежностью

в растерянных глазах

о ш и б к и

ну ошибся

подумаешь беда!

людям свойственно ошибаться

говорю беспечно

сейчас начну исправлять ошибки

после завтрака и начну…

или завтра…

или –


вы только взгляните – сколько их
всё равно всей жизни не хватит

чтобы исправить эти вздорные

эти нелепые

эти дурацкие ошибки

– горбатого могила исправит –

говорите раскачивая указательный палец

перед самым носом

я виновато соглашаюсь

и ухожу прочь

делать новые



о б ъ я в л е н и е 3

сниму земной шар

для временного проживания

можно и без особых удобств:



лесные пожары…

но убедительная просьба:

без друзей и любимых

не предлагать

Thursday, June 25, 2009

One of my favorite poems

Владимир Маяковский


Ведь, если звезды зажигают -
значит - это кому-нибудь нужно?
Значит - кто-то хочет, чтобы они были?
Значит - кто-то называет эти плевочки
И, надрываясь
в метелях полуденной пыли,
врывается к богу,
боится, что опоздал,
целует ему жилистую руку,
просит -
чтоб обязательно была звезда! -
клянется -
не перенесет эту беззвездную муку!
А после
ходит тревожный,
но спокойный наружно.
Говорит кому-то:
"Ведь теперь тебе ничего?
Не страшно?
Ведь, если звезды
зажигают -
значит - это кому-нибудь нужно?
Значит - это необходимо,
чтобы каждый вечер
над крышами
загоралась хоть одна звезда?!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Из литературного интернет-журнала «Органон» (

п р и в с т р е ч е

я хотел бы спросить

у того Кто Создал Этот Мир

но не о с р о к а х

исчисленных нами

с достаточной степенью точности

и не о ц е л и

почти установленной

нашими умниками

я спросил бы

приветливо глядя при встрече в глаза:

– ну здравствуй Старик

к а к д е л а ?

п е р е л и в а н и е к р о в и

разлучить нас –

всё равно что взять и отменить

самый главный закон природы

заодно и все остальные законы

экстерном мы сдали экзамены в школе

где учат забывать прошлое

над моим столом

аккуратно прибита похвальная грамота

…а вчера в рыбном отделе

в какой-то длинной и нервной очереди

я почувствовал вдруг

как в меня – капля за каплей –

переливается твоя кровь

горячая нетерпеливая

она слегка покалывала вены


я бросился сломя голову

на улицу

чтобы предупредить тебя

но меня остановили прохожие

– чудак – сказали они –

постарайся успокоиться

в этот миг

твоя кровь капля за каплей

капля за каплей

наполняет её аорту

и уже совсем близко от её сердца –

вот и попробуйте нас разлучить!

во-первых –

это всё равно что отменить все законы


а во-вторых –

слишком много испорчено


о к е а н с к а я п о ч т а

напишу тебе

совсем короткое письмо

такое чтобы ему было просторно

в пустой бутылке

тёмно-зелёного стекла

…буду слушать

чем это недовольна волна

покидая берег

передразнивать чаек

вспоминать о пустяках

и глядя в море

с нетерпением ждать ответа

у р а г а н

с т в о и м и м е н е м

сейсмологи Японии

дыханья затая

следили в эту ночь

за стрелками приборов

как всегда –

ничего нельзя было изменить

как всегда –

только предупредить

о надвигающейся опасности

и ждать…



и назвать ураган твоим именем

…в эту ночь

на спящих островах Японии

были отмечены

оглушительные толчки

моего сердца

Вячеслав Протасов

Русская душа и чувство вины.

Людям вообще свойственно чувство вины, и это не такое плохое чувство. Я согласна, что здесь есть патологический момент, но иногда я чувствую свою вину за всё, что происходит в поле моего зрения. К счастью, нужно и за другими людьми признавать свободную волю.У них там, на Западе, чувства вины проговариваются на заветной кушетке психиатра, на легендарной couch – у нас они избываются другими способами. А может быть, не избываются. Господь простит, а сам себе не простишь. Так надо.


Василина Орлова, Михаил Бойко / «НГ Ex Libris», 24.01.2008

Monday, June 22, 2009

Midsummer night

Pa pāram rieksti auga,
Pa pāram āboliņš;
Pa pāram jauni ļaudis
Jāņu nakti pulcējās.

Kas gulēja Jāņu nakti, Visu gadu snauduļoja.

Tomorrow is the Midsummer night but I'm not in Latvia to celebrate it. First time in my life! If anyone would know how much I want to be there. Besides, AEGEE-Riga organizes a boat trip together with Midsummer and AEGEE-Riga 8th birthday celebration these days. First AEGEE-Riga international event I am missing since 1,5 years ago when I first joined the organization. :(
And I couldn't even attend a Midsummer party organized by Scandinavian people in Eindhoven. What is midsummer without the fire, beer, cheese and sleepless night in the nature?
Indeed, it's the most celebrated fest after the New Year in Latvia.

Dienas gaišākā doma

Cilvēkam ir divas dabas: viena – paša, otra – tā, ko viņam piedēvē citi. (c)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Cleverness vs Happiness

One very experienced guy in our institution in Riga told us, two young Chem. Eng. students, that educated women are often unhappy in personal life, especially women in science. They are just too clever. Or not smart enough not to notice some things.
Would I prefer being duller but happier? Are you serious?? Hmmm...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Dienas gaišākā doma

Viena stunda šodien maksā divas stundas rīt.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

I definitely spend too much time with Engineering students.
And I'm starting to reevaluate my life, Netherlands and other stuff you never think about. Or think too much.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Dienas gaišākā doma

Dzīvē ir maz laika, lai kaut ko darītu vienkārši tāpat, jo tāpat ir skaidrs, ka vienkārši tāpat nekas nenotiek.(c)
There is few time to do something without a reason because it is obvious that nothing happens without a reason.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Don't break your heart, just make it bigger. (c)my Polish house mate Lu

Friday, May 15, 2009

Dienas gaišākā doma

Problēmas ir tikai iespējas, kas apvītas ar ērkšķiem. (C)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Dienas gaišākā doma

Mērķis dara skaistākus līdzekļus.
Mīlestības kristāldzidrajā ūdenī jāpeldas veselīgi kailam, jo būtu tīrais grēks turēties pie aizspriedumu glābšanās riņķa vai vecu aizvainojumu sanestajiem gružiem...

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Dienas gaišākā doma

Sātanam nav izskaidrojuma. Uz to ir jāskatās kā uz nepieciešamu Visuma sastāvdaļu. To ignorēt ir bērnišķīgi, bet skumt par to ir bezjēdzīgi. /Somersets Moems./
Tas, kurš atriebjas, dažreiz nožēlo nodarīto, bet tas, kurš piedod, – nekad. /Aleksandrs Dimā./

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Career test

I made such type of tests also before but every time the results vary a bit.
The most surprising part - artistic orientation, also social orientation was developed lately. :)

Career test results

The test has determined 3 career suitability types, along with the corresponding scores. Taken as a whole, they characterize your career orientation.


Score: 51

(artistic) career orientation

Typical personality traits: unique, original, interesting, sensitive, expressive, creative, imaginative, independent, open, complicated sense of the world, expects approval and recognition.

Activities: Artistic types like to express their individuality in different materials and forms, like words, sounds, acting, dancing and painting. They need freedom of action and movement in time and space in order to sense the world.

This type of people tend to take a jump into the unknown and explore new artistic means. They are able to adapt in new situations. Artistic types often dislike activities that are orderly, systematic or bureaucratic.

Typical fields of work: painting, directing, graphics, sculpture, applied arts (ceramics, glass, etc.), architecture, design, music (incl. church music, popular music, folk music), acting, dancing.

Spare time activities: reading, drawing, sketching, painting, participating in art events, attending concerts and plays, musical activities.


Score: 46

(social) career orientation

Typical personality traits: humanist and friendly, patient, tactful, understanding, kind, helpful, cooperative, supportive.

Activities: Social types prefer activities that include socialising and communicating with people. They enjoy satisfying their curiosity and increasing intercultural communication skills, learning new languages and discovering the world. They are less suited for activities requiring physical and manual skills and tend to focus on emotions rather than logical reasoning. Examples of activities suited for social types are helping, serving, teaching, healing, counselling, educating.

Typical fields of work: special needs education, primary schooling, teaching different subjects in compulsory and secondary education, social work, psychological counselling.

Spare time activities: voluntary (social) work, social activities, making friends, family events, performing, dancing.


Score: 41

(intellectual) career orientation

Typical personality traits: intellectual, curious, logical, critical, fighting for truth and fairness, independent, analytical, scientific, explorative

Activities: Intellectual types like to get to know material, social or spiritual world. They are interested in gathering and analysing information, finding solutions to problems. They value education and are oriented to achieving results.

Intellectual types constantly strive for increasing their understanding about the world. They could be interested in a scientific discipline or some other field requiring higher level of knowledge.

However they tend to dislike activities that are overly social or repetitive.

Typical fields of work: anthropology, astronomy, biochemistry, biophysics, philology, philosophy, physics, genetics, informatics, mathematics, medicine, psychology, sociology, theology.

Spare time activities: reading, physical work, sport, hiking.


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Dienas gaišākā doma

Iekarot sevi pašu ir lielāka uzvara nekā uzvarēt tūkstošus cīņā. /Buda./
Ja tu zinātu, cik spēkpilnas ir tavas domas, tu nekad nedomātu neko sliktu. /Piligrims./

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

First ECTS

Hurray! The first course finished, first ECTS obtained. It was harsh but useful.

Dienas gaišākā doma

Kad tu atrodi mieru sevī, tu kļūsti par personu, kura var dzīvot mierā ar citiem. /Piligrims./

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Dienas gaišākā doma

Katru dienu izdari ko tādu, kas dara tevi laimīgu, līdz tas kļūst par ieradumu.
Do every day something that makes you happy until it becomes a habit. (c)

Friday, April 17, 2009

Dienas gaišākā doma

Labāk ir aizdegt vienu mazu svecīti nekā lamāt tumsu!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Dienas gaišākā doma

Ja mēs spējam mīlēt, arī mūs spēs mīlēt. Tas ir tikai laika jautājums.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Dažreiz tu uzcel sienu ne tādēļ, lai nelaistu nevienu iekšā, bet gan tādēļ, lai redzētu, kurš vēlas šo sienu apgāzt.

Bet ja nu nevēlas...?

Габриэль Гарсиа Маркес "Сто лет одиночества"

Зимними вечерами, пока в камине закипал котелок с супом, старик тосковал о тепле своей комнатушки за книжной лавкой, о солнце, которое звенит в пыльной листве миндальных деревьев, о паровозном свистке, врывающемся в спячку сиесты, так же как в Макондо тосковал о кипящем в камине котелке с супом, выкриках уличного торговца кофейными зернами и о мимолетных жаворонках весны. Замученный этими двумя ностальгиями, которые отражались одна в другой, как два стоящих одно против другого зеркала, он утратил свое восхитительное чувство нереального и дошел до того, что посоветовал друзьям уехать из Макондо, забыть все, чему он их учил о мире и человеческом сердце, плюнуть на Горация и в любом месте, куда бы они ни попали, всегда помнить, что прошлое – ложь, что для памяти нет дорог обратно, что каждая миновавшая весна невозвратима и что самая безумная и стойкая любовь всего лишь скоропреходящее чувство.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Dienas gaišākā doma...

Baumas par meklējamo "ābola otru pusīti", šķiet, būs palaiduši tie jēpīši, kuri daļu no sevis paši nopūdējuši...
It seems that the gossips about "the other half of the apple" appeared from the freaks that let rot the part of themselves...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


My father has died.
Thanks to my friends for support.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Out of order

For some time. I will be back on Sunday.


It is 4th of March. It is freezing in Riga. It’s raining in the Netherlands. But Catalunya is already blossoming.

I hate changing flights. Usually in those cases my travel takes around 24 hours. This time again. After sleepless night (it is becoming a habit before a trip) the flight to Girona airport, the afternoon in Girona, night at Girona airport (thanks goodness I am not alone here!) and early flight to Malta. I feel squeezed like lemon, my eyes hurt and brain is working slowly. But… I’ve got a mood to study. Working on a project at night was really a pleasure. Maybe it was because nothing turned off my attention.
Catalunya (as local people call it) met me with 13 °C and rain. Girona is a very nice small town. Stone pavement, hilly street maze and the narrowest driven streets I have ever seen. It has colour and atmosphere. I guess it is nicer with sunny weather and without luggage. It is amazing how many children are in the streets around 5 pm. And I thought the cars break at the last moment in Eindhoven… I just have never been to Spain before. When crossing the street there is a feeling it will definitely hit you.
Plaça Catalunya

The river Onyar

Sant Feliu Church

Museu d’Arquelogia

If getting married in church then in such Cathedral like in Girona. Impressing… Maybe the Cathedral itself is not the most impressing (didn’t check inside) and beautiful but such stairs!

Street maze

I also did some window-shopping, just could not pass by.
Ja kāds ir viens, tas nenozīmē, ka viņš ir vientuļš, tāpat, ja kāds atrodas pūlī, nenozīmē, ka viņš nav vientuļš. /Epiktets./
If someone is alone it does not mean he is lonely, the same if someone is in the crowd does not mean he is not lonely.


I am trying to wash window in my room. The problem is that it opens outside and I live on 1st floor (на 2 этаже, 2. stāvā) which means I cannot reach outer side of the window. So the question is: how do they wash windows???!

Thanks to Kirill for the nice link. :D

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Neesi uzmācīgs, lai tevi neatgrūstu, un pārāk neattālinies, lai tevi neaizmirstu. /Bībele./

Sunday, March 1, 2009


The Carnival is mostly celebrated in the southern part of the Netherlands. Officially it is three days - from Sunday to Tuesday - but people start celebrating a week before, preparing months before and thinking of costumes for the next carnival even a year before. So it is really huge event. Earlier it was a fest before the Ash Wednesday when the Lent starts (I think something similar to Russian Maslenitsa but in another way of celebrating) but now it is mostly just a party with a lot of beer and dressed up people. The craziest and niciest places to see it are Maastricht and Cologne.

So my carnival started on Thursday in F.O.R.T. - the bar of Chemical Engineering study association (did I tell you every department here has its own bar? ;)). And the night from Friday to Tuesday I spent in Maastricht with AEGEE people. The official AEGEE Maastricht event was cancelled because they did not have many participants but thank goodness I know Anita and Jonas. :)
Jonas organized a carnival party for international friends in his parents house. It was really great. But now some pictures to prove it and tell you how it all was going. :)

Carnival in F.O.R.T
First I was thinking of joining the party on Saturday but as you already know, my bike was stolen on Friday so I decided that I need some positive emotions instead.

Those guys were meeting me at the station in Maastricht - good start. Let me introduce them: Jonas (the Netherlands) the Duffman and Jako (Estonia) the Superman! :)

You can think that the wolf is wearing sheepskin for Carnival but it is just Lilo.

They had a costume for me as well so I could enjoy the Carnival from the very first evening and not to stand out of the crowd. Although not all the people were dressed up yet with the outfit it was much more fun. The coat was too long for me, so I had to watch out people do not step on it and fall.

All the people were drunk and happy, dancing on the streets because the bars were crowded. They sold beer from the windows straight to the street. Many people came to make pictures together and share the spirit.

I also tried to get a bit of the city view.

Next day we had a city tour. Unlike Eindhoven Maastricht is a city with the history and atmosphere. It is situated near Belgian and German borders so it was conquered many times.
With some fortifications

As always posing

Finding the way

There is a nice dieren park or animal park.

And small men always showing you the right way.

All the streets are decorated with Carnival flags - red-yellow-green - and bars have original signboards.

As in Eindhoven there is a need for urinals in the streets, a good alternative for walls and trees.

Would you like to enter the Gate of Hell?

A view of Maastricht

Posing again

Volunteer keeps the world turning.

The day before carnival near the city hall

The preparations for Carnival are very serious - there are several shops with everything you might need for dressing up.

Can you often see all kind of animals, courtiers and spirits in a line for fast food?

Two churches are not used as they are supposed to be used. One is a book store and another used to be a night club. Who knows why it is not anymore...

Vrijthof - the main square

The second night out. We have 5 more people joining us. Canadian Melissa, Hungarian Dora and American Laura and the sister of our dear host Dutch Olga and his girlfriend Brazilian Raquel.

Fun photos with random people

The Islandic girls with a floating chair tried to make photo with us...

Amazing... :D

From one of these brides I got to know Latvia's prime-minister resigned and we are going to have a new government...

To be continued...

All the bullshit I write here

I think the Netherlands will change me. Will be interesting to compare later. :)

Saturday, February 28, 2009

M. M.

"I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."
— Marilyn Monroe

Friends. Draugi. Друзья.

Mani mīļie! Es pēc jums ļoti ilgojos! Neticami priecāšos redzēt pie manis ciemos!
Дорогие мои! Я по вам очень скучаю! Буду невероятно рада видеть у себя в гостях!
My dears! I miss you very much! I would be incredible happy to see you!


Tell me how it is possible to go to sleep at 19:30 at to get up at noon next day??
At least I was dreaming which happens very seldom. :)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Izvēlies par galamērķi Mēnesi. Pat tad, ja netrāpīsi, tu atradīsies starp zvaigznēm. (c)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Neviens nevar mani aizvainot bez manas atļaujas. /Mahatma Gandijs./

Monday, February 23, 2009

Dzīvi nevajadzētu vienīgi dzīvot. Dzīvi vajadzētu svinēt! /Ošo./

Friday, February 20, 2009

Keep walkin'

That happened. The most popular phrase "that would never happen to me" did not work. My bike was stolen in 5 minutes while I was at the post office. My newly bought locker was cut like a string. I will keep it as a souvenir. :D
Now I have to find a new bike. Good that I'm going to Maastricht for Carnival, I will not need it for few days.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Dažkārt pat no mieta, kas stādīts mīlas pilnā augsnē, mēdz izdīgt dzīvelīgi asniņi.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Viss, kas tāls, ir tuvs.

About scholarships and policies

I was quite irritated by the policy of the Erasmus program in Latvia. The policy is that students can go abroad only for one semester. But this policy has very good substantiation: high scholarships. They give good scholarships and want more people to go, so they send everyone just for one semester. The guy from Poland who is staying one year here gets 2 hundred something, girl from Czech Republic - around five hundred euros per month. And it is for staying in the Netherlands where you have to pay for your room almost 400 euros. So I do not complain about my scholarship anymore. :)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Career Expo

Today there was a Caree Expo at TU/e main building and Auditorium. More than 100 companies presented. It was amazing. I could compare it with our Skola expo in Kipsala but the scale of the companies is impressive. Such names as Shell, BP, Unilever, AkzoNobel, Toyota, ExxonMobil, Heineken, Siemens, Schering-Plough etc, etc. willing to hire all different kinds of engineers.
When you come from the small country all this seems incredible. You can simply come and talk with the people from all these companies and see what they offer and what they are looking for. That is why i came to the Netherlands. I could only dream about this in Latvia. Of course it does not mean the same as work for that companies but even the thought about it inspires. :)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Vēlmē es tiecos priekšmetu pievilkt klāt, mīlestībā – pats tieku pievilkts.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I hope my experiments will learn me to be patient. That's what I need.
Laiks tāpat visu saliek savās vietās, bet, vai tu varēsi pēc tam to visu atrast, tas ir tikai laika jautājums. (c)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

I got accepted to TU/e. My way was through Riga and Amsterdam airport. My ex-course mate and ex-colleague was seeing out her sister for Eramus in Slovenia. Good sign. Arrived in Amsterdam I was lucky to have a picture with me to get a reduction card. Still I was staying there for half an hour trying to find out my full staying address. The solution was very simple in the end: my laptop with all the information was with me (which is unusual situation in my travels). At the station I met a Dutch girl who was going home after meeting her Portugal boyfriend in Norway (sounds familiar, huh?) and we talked all the way to den Bosch where she lives.
Eindhoven met me with invincible stairs for me with my 45 kg of luggage. There the story with helping out Dutch people starts. Dutch men can be also gentlemen sometimes. And as I heard from my friend later they can be also sometimes romantic.
In fact I had to review my seeing of Dutch people. They are really very different and not always what I heard about them was true or applicable. However I do not know many originally Dutch people good yet.

Why Netherlands?

It started about a year ago when I was checking international companies employing Chemical Engineers. Some big companies were based in the Netherlands. I thought why not to try to go to the Netherlands and not to get to know this country and try to work in one of this companies because the level would be definitely higher than in Latvia. So I had to get to the Netherlands and the university who wanted to accept me for my Erasmus year was TU/e. I was almost sure I am going even before applying. I had a lot of time to prepare, to meet Dutch people and to know some language. First thing I learned will help me a lot in my further life: neuken in de keuken is what every Dutch person does. ;)
So if I would have to answer the question why Netherlands, it would be the good level of Chemical Engineering, cooperative and nice people and studies can be hold in English. Very simple.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Russian party was great, big thanks to Lida, Anton, Vova and the others.
Meeting 3 Latvian people here was great. I have not talked so much for a long time. I guess lack of talking native language and Latvian gives some effect. But speaking Latvian for me is quite hard now. :)) A lot of fun though.
The end of the evening. No comments.
Total: great night, a lot of vodka and Russian food, new people who seem closer because they come from the same country, Tatjana de gekste...
I seem crazy to myself. And too straight. And talking too much. And drinking too much. And being afraid too much. Maybe that is fear which makes me go crazy? Or hormones. Or something else...

Shopping in Eindhoven

One hour of shopping before all the shops are closed at 5 pm on Saturday was enough to make some comparisons to Latvia.
First of all shops close early. And they all are closed on Sunday. Only supermarkets work. It's quite a change after shopping malls in Riga open 10 - 22 daily and some supermarkets working til midnight. The shop assistants are nice and friendly here and I fit in one size less then usually. Not because I have lost some weight but I guess girls in Riga are a bit skinnier usually or they just make sizes to seem nicer. :) The prices without sales are quite high but maybe it is in Heuvelgalerie, still have to check some more shops.
One more thing. I was looking at pink clothes today. Something definitely is wrong with me, I hate pink!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Пронырливая. Хорошее дополнение к любвеобильной. Правда? :)))
Everyone makes fun of me here. Even me. So feel comfortable.
Just do not overdo, I might be very sensitive sometimes. :)
Yesterday I made the first soup in my life. It was dietary and green... but eatable. :)
Yesterday I got drunk from beer for the first time in my life.
This morning I crossed Eindhoven.
Amazing. Unbelievable. Unbearable sometimes. Yes, I am.